Wednesday, the 4th of February 2025
Theo walks on, he doesn’t really know where to go but he hold Kiki in his arms, she gives him safety. In fear she might slip out of his arms again, he holds her so tight she can`t breathe. “Everything is okay Kiki, I will get you out of here.” She meows. “Don`t ever run away again, this was dangerous.” Theo is angry at her, why does he always have to save her? Can`t she behave for once? Be a normal cat like every other cat too? If only he would have given his anger a closer look, he could have seen that it was actually love. The floor tiles show in a bright gray, the darkness lies behind them, still Theo can feel something dangerous brewing up ahead. “From now on, no more going out. You are too crazy for that. I will keep you save and sound inside and when I am at work or at uni you just wait for me to come back, okay? You stay save, I`ll get you a leash.” She meows in protest and tries to slip out of Theos arms, he hold her so tight it hurts her. Theo strengthens his grip on the cat. “Stop moving Kiki. You`re making this harder than it has to be, let`s get out of here.” He is angry. He went in the backrooms just to save her and now she seems ungrateful. The darkness changed something about him, all of a sudden, he feels cold, like he is not really himself. The darkness is now inside of him and if he doesn`t stand firm to love, it will consume him from the inside, make him grow cold, forget what once was love and confuse protection with control. As if he has no choice he gives into the darkness and denies the light inside of him. Anger in his voice, Kiki gets scared of him. What is this monster? That’s not her Theo, he scares her. He is so cold, where did this sweet little angel man go that went in the backrooms just to save her? Now he is rude and cold and mean. They walk into the bright nothingness, a certain sense of calmness sets in, the exit must be close, maybe if they make it out Theo becomes normal again. The floor didn`t change yet, everything seems normal, all they are waiting for is the door that takes them back into the real world. His heart is beating strong, yet he feels ice-cold. She meows, she feels smothered, scared, she is in pain from Theos tight grip, her head begins to rush. What if this is who he is now? She doesn’t want to be his cat if it must be under those circumstances. If she has to behave the way he wants her to behave in order for him to love her, she would rather be alone, she is more of a loner anyways, only did she think that with Theo she found another loner who wants to share his loneliness. But this? This is not her Theo. She pounders with herself how she can escape him now. Theo is hurting her, it feels as if he is doing it on purpose, it feels as if he never cared about her in the first place, all he cared for was the control he had over her. This can`t be right, he was once so kind. Who is this man? “Kiki, stop moving now!” he yells at her. The vibration of his scream opens up a portal behind them. Theo stops and turns around, his eyes full of fear, holding Kiki even tighter than before. Gnarling, clicking sounds blood spills out of the portal. Not a safe situation, he recognizes those sounds, these are the monsters. Theo turns and runs straight ahead, out of the portal jump 7 monsters, with big teeth and hungry eyes they set after Theo, Kiki meows heavily, trying to escape Theos tight grip, she can run faster without him. Kiki closes her eyes; will this be the moment when Theo pulls her into the darkness with him? Will he kill them both? Drag her down with him? Was this darkness inside of him all this time? The backrooms never reflect you anything that is not already inside of you, these are his very own monsters. Theo runs fast, holding Kiki tight, as one of the monsters get so close they could grab him any second now, they are way faster than him. Kiki cries for help as finally a door appears in front of them, she sighs in relaxation, all she has to do now is to escape Theos tight grip, but could she abandon him? Leave him alone to die in the backrooms? There must be a way of saving him, but not if he doesn`t reannounce Satan. He is so consumed by his own darkness, he can`t escape the monsters, even if she tries to warm his heart once again it won`t work. He is blocking it off. You can`t help everyone. One of the monsters gets a hold of Theos leg and pulls him to the ground. His head hits the hard grey floor of the backrooms. Kiki screams and tries to escape his arms as the monsters begin to feast off of Theo. It`s too late for him, he let his monsters win. “No Kiki! No! We are in this together!” Kiki screams winding, scratching and bighting him, so he would finally let her go. Theo holds onto her with his whole life, one of the monsters jumps on his back to bight him in the shoulder. The bight of the monsters loosens his grip, finally she can escape. She jumps out and runs to the door. Looking back one last time she can see Theos reaching out to her, she meows. Her meow is more of a scream than a meow. Theo looks up, as their eyes meet, his heart beats strong. Don't let the darkness win when there is darkness, there is light. He takes a deep breath and gathers his strength. He begins to fight. Hitting the monsters as hard as he can. One monster drops to the ground. As his heart grows stronger, the monsters get weaker and easier to fight. A green light exhuming from his heart, his wounds begin to heal, he gets stronger and stronger. "I love you Kiki!" He yells and smashes one another monster to the ground, defeated it's skull splits. Kiki jumps in, scratches and bights the monsters with all her power, side by side they fight one monster after the other. Believe in love. Theo takes two monsters and hits their head into each other. All this work couldn't have been for nothing, be stronger than the darkness. Be brave. One last hit one last bight, one last leap of faith and they stand victorious. The monsters are gone. A strong green light from his heart, he smiles at Kiki. Red blood on her white shiny fur. "Let's get out of here."
Outside of the backrooms, in safety, Theo drops to the ground. "I'm sorry Kiki, for everything." A tear dropping from his eyes. "I'm sorry." Kiki sits infront of him, she looks at him. "I'm sorry." She meows. "The darkness, I let it win. I'm sorry. For everything I said, it was never true, it was the darkness it was all a lie. I am sorry for lying, I am sorry. Can you forgive me?" She stares at him blankly. "Eventually? I promise, I'll behave." She meows and cuddles up on his leg. "Let's go home."
"They did it." A grey man comments as they walk by, his voice in disbelief. "You know that's not how it's supposed to go." Another one comments. "It's clear what we have to do." he gets up, pulls outa gun and shoots them both. "They would be too strong now, our world would never survive."
Captain What the fuck Chiara?
Me I love it. The ultimate story, the bittersweetness.
Captain At least they are together now.
Lucifer LOL
Wednesday, the 29th of January 2025
Me Oh Captain, my Captain.
Captain Good evening.
Me Oh Captain…
Captain What heavies your heart my dear?
Me I can`t tell, it heavies my entire body, I feel so heavy. Like I am made out of stone.
Captain Tell me about your life, how is business?
Me Good, good.
Captain Not bringing you any joy at the moment?
Shrugging my shoulders, my eyes fixed to the ground
Captain How is love?
Shrugging my shoulders, my eyes losing a significant amount of light, a teardrop hitting the ground, color leaving my lips as I bight them
Captain How are things at home?
Me eyes lighting up I am truly blessed.
Captain How is Dino?
Me Truly wonderful, a blessing, send by God, I swear.
Captain So why are you so sad?
Me It`s nothing.
Captain This is not nothing, this is everything. So, what is it that weighs you down?
Me It`s love.
Captain The tax consultant?
Me Don`t call him "the tax consultant" as if he would be some type of animal. He has a name.
Captain How is he?
Me sighing, eyes losing their light again I wonder about that all the time.
Captain Oh, my love. touching my face Everything will be okay.
Me If you say so...
Captain Don`t worry so much.
Me If you say so...
Captain Did Theo and Kiki make their way out of the backrooms?
Me No, not yet... the path home seems to be more complex than expected.
Lucifer HeY! nO sPoiLeRs!
Wednesday, the 22nd January 2025
Theo stops. “Why did I let her go?” Hastingly he turns around. “Kiki.” He stammers as he runs towards the spot where he just got sucked into the darkness. Banging against something that must have been a wall. “Let me out!” Hopeless screams, it won`t open. He has no other choice but to go through the darkness one more time until he finds his way back home. “Fuck!” He yells, defeated he drops to the ground, darkness all around him. He can`t see, there is nothing to hear, nothing but darkness. Theo gets up, shakes himself off and walks on. Straight ahead into the abyss. Step by step he is trying hard to keep his heart warm. The darkness is cold somehow, not very warm, not very friendly, not very demure. Still naked, he begins to shake. He can feel something building up, numb alert sound in the distance, wailing into his ears. Theo walks on. Fear rises up in his chest, what if he gets lost? Never finds his way back home? What if this is where he lives now? He shakes his head. “No, it can`t be. I must find a way back. I must find my little Kiki.” As he says her name his heart begins to melt. For a second, he was so surrounded by darkness, he forgot who he is doing this all for. Seemingly calming down, Theo walks on. His feet are getting wet, the ground must be changing into some type of grass. It feels like a warm wet type of grass, that feels comforting and disturbing at the same time. Numb voices rise, as if someone would be speaking in the distance. The alert changing the pattern. “All is good, Kiki is right here somewhere.” He feels the need to walk faster, to run. “All is good, I am safe, I am calm. AH.” Theo yells as a monster stand right before him. “Where did you come from?” “No, the question is, who are you?” The monster answers, it begins to shapeshift. The short pink neck turns longer, the stompy green arms turn into human arms, it turns into an exact copy of Theo. Theo takes a step back. “Am I you?” It shifts again, exhuming a source of light from their head. Turning into a turquoise dinosaur. Almost as tall as Theo. “You are lost, ma friend.” “Indeed I am.” “What brought you in here?” “I lost my cat.” “Your cat?” The Dino turns their head sideways, questioningly. “My cat.” Theo nods. “What is ya cats name?” “Kiki.” “Kikiiiiii.” The Dino yells and whistles. “I fear she is not here my friend.” It giggles. “I know.” Theo rolls his eyes. “She is in the light on the other side. I have to get back to save her.” “Save her from what?” “The monsters.” “Is she a bad cat?” “No, she is the best cat in the world.” As Theo straightens up, the Dinosaur realizes, that Theo is butt naked. “You need clothes my friend.” With a snap the Dino dresses Theo in a suit. “Not good for running, but good for looking good and who looks good, feels good.” “Yea, sure.” The Dino snaps again and dresses Theo in a black fight outfit. “Good for running and you look good.” “Thank you.” Theo nods. “It is strange to see a naked human in the wild.” “It feels strange to be a naked human in the wild.” They nod at each other. “So how are ya gonna get out my friend?” “Can you help me?” “Cannot.” “Don`t you have a door or something.” “I do.” “Can you let me out?” “Cannot.” “Why not?” “The trees would suck you right in again.” “Why?” “You are here for a reason, darkness is a cruel magnet to those who are scared of the light.” Theo looks around, the darkness did feel familiar to him from the beginning. “If you want to save yourself and your cat, you must go back to the light.” He wonders what it might be. The darkness that brings him to his knees, the pain, the wonders. As he thinks about it, about the darkness inside and around him; a pain begins to rise in his chest. The darkness inside of him wants to break out. His heart begins to hurt. Beating strong, beating fast. “Your heart is the key, may friend. Open it.” Theo drops to the ground, his shoulders falling down, hands crouched in front of him. “I am strong.” He whimpers. “I can defeat my own darkness.” “Ohh human, it is not about defeating it.” The monster takes Theo’s face in their hands. “It`s about taking it all in and letting it become one.” Theo yells as the room turns into a time tornado. “The light is just on the other side, don`t let your darkness defeat you.” It all seems to become one. Breaking to the ground he collects all his strength. White stripes break through the room, streaks of light, of hope. “I am my darkness.” He yells. “It is part of me.” Quickly he leans back, stretching out his entire back, to collect even the utmost of his strength. “Kiki I am coming back to get you!” The room turns and flips, everything turns upside down. With his feet mounted to the ground Theo stands strong as with one blink of an eye, he stands back in the labyrinth. The light is on, all is well again, he fought his way out. Sweat dripping from his chest to his newly acquired boots. “Kiki!” he sighs as she stands right in front of him. He picks her up. “Let`s go home.” She meows in agreement.
Lucifer Damn. So Theo and his cat are happily ever after now?
Me We will see. They didn`t make it out of the backrooms yet.
Lucifer Do we have a crazy escape story coming up?
Me Maybe.
Lucifer Will they lose each other again?
Me Not if they hold on tight. Also, 4.2.
Wednesday, the 15th of January 2025
Lucifer Yo Chiara, what`s up dog?
Nothing whats down with you, dog?
Lucifer Can you continue the story please? I am very invested if Theo finds Kiki.
Me too man, me too.
The Labyrinth
Theo runs straight ahead; the monster is hungry it`s trying its very hardest to get to him. Cold, naked and embarrassed he runs into the abyss. Not knowing what is in front of him only fleeing of what is behind him, hoping that his Kiki must be somewhere out there. His little princess, she couldn’t have gone too far. She never goes too far. The monsters’ sharp claws come closer and closer as suddenly, the floor tiles change. Green grass beneath his feet, the walls change. Slowly they come closer and closer, corners begin to form, Theo has to navigate to not run into a wall. As the walls turn into mountains of trees. He finds himself in the middle of a labyrinth. The monsters’ screams seem too far away now for it to capture him. He takes a breath. Deep in and out, he can feel how his muscles hurt. His entire body is shaking, weak and cold he breaks to the ground. His hair is still wet, there is an uncomfortable wind, ice cold blowing through. He looks at his hands, they are shaking. It is hard for him to capture the feeling. Defeated, it must be that he is feeling defeated. Weak, not strong enough to hold on even a second longer he drops to the ground. Burying his hands deep into the grass below him. Cold ice frozen. Behind the trees of the labyrinth, he can feel a certain type of energy. A known type of energy, it feels known to him. Scaringly known. He fears it. The darkness that must be it, that is hiding behind the trees. He must get up and walk on, before it gets a chance to swallow him, not one second he can stop. Slowly he tries to stand up, seemingly his bones break as every step up he takes gets harder and harder, he drops back down to the floor. Weak, no trace of power left. As suddenly, out of the abyss of green trees and thick wood, so thick not one drop of light gets through. A silent meow. “Kiki!” He jumps up. Another meow. “Kiki!” He traces the sound, walks through the thick green trees and thick wood, the wind blowing through his bones, ice cold frozen his heart begins to warm. “Kiki!” Faster, even faster he runs now, cuts to the right, his heart beating strong, to the left suddenly and fast as there she sits right in front of him on the ground. Cleaning her paws, waiting for him to arrive, not one single care in the entire world. She looks just as perfect as she looked when she left. If not even better. Her fur shiny and bright, her eyes big and full of love, the pointy ears slightly back. She meows and cuddles up on his leg, as if nothing ever happened, not just for one second. As if nothing ever changed and home is right around the corner. “Kiki.” He picks her up from the ground. Finally, he`s got her in his arms, so long he has been looking for her. His heart calms down, yet there is this feeling left that if might not be it yet. Something in his brain forces him to leave his walls up. He closes his eyes. A moment that seems too good to be true. He takes a step back, not daring to say a single word, it might take her away again. Pulsating energy behind the trees, he can feel the darkness creeping up to him. He knew this seemed too easy. In shock he opens his eyes, he can hear the wood creaking behind him. “No.” He stammers and throws Kiki out of his arms the second the wood begins to swallow him. Creaking hard wood pulling him in the green, it gets darker and darker until the darkness has completely swallowed him. Darkness, nothing left around him. It is so dark he can hardly see his body again. No sound, no movement, no light, not one single source of it. The darkness it`s all around him. “At least I know she is not gone.” He says and begins to walk straight ahead, right through the darkness. His heart beating for a second, maybe that’s all he needed for warmth. He takes a deep breath and walks on, he will find her and bring her home, he can feel it deep in his bones.
Lucifer Why didn’t he just hold her closer and ran away? Or hold her closer when they he was swallowed in to the darkness? She would have been in there with him but at least she couldn't have run away again and get lost in the infinite backrooms. Why did he let her go?
Me His first impulse was to protect her from the darkness.
Lucifer But he would have been stronger with her.
Me It's kind of sweet isn't it? He is protecting her from his own darkness, he is protecting his little princess.
God Can I just say, you are a fucking genius.
Me blushing Well if you say so.
Lucifer Out of research reasons, how high were you while writing?
Me A good 6.1
Check out my bookstore, why don`t you?
Wednesday the 8th of January 2025
Okay, hear me out: Weird dystopian future possibilities.
“You don`t understand, I have to find her.” Theo is screaming, whenever he is upset his voice rises two octaves, it`s like he is a teenager all over again. The council looks at him, unimpressed. “We will not let you in.” The man in the middle is the only one in the council who ever talks. Rumor has it they are all connected by some weird collective mind, like termites. “Please I beg you!” Theo falls to his knees. “She has been gone for over two days!” “Two days?” He repeats. “In that case she is probably dead.” The man in the grey suits shrugs his shoulders.
“I know she is not dead; I can feel her heart beating.” “You can feel her heart beating?” “She is like part of my soul. I can feel everything she does, no matter how far away she is. I have to save her, you either let me in or…” Theo gets up, empowered by the anger inside of him, he builds up the courage and collects his voice. Usually, he is a very chill dude and doesn`t fight for himself or his boundaries but he doesn`t fuck around when it`s about her. “I will turn this discussion into a bloodbath.” “Fine you want to go in so bad, go in. But know that if you die, you die indefinitely.”
Part one: the pool
The backrooms used to be a fun amusement park, for all ages but 2045 the monsters came, which obviously changed everything. The entrance is still open but only the council gets to decide who goes in and who doesn`t, applicants must be allegeable. There are a couple of criteria you have to meet in order to be allowed in the backrooms.
Theo is walking through the entrance hall, bright orange light in his eyes, the walls are grey, they are so high, you can`t even see the ceiling. He feels small, as if his steps could never be big enough for one man. But he has to safe her, he can only imagine the terror she must be going through, all alone with no one to turn to. Of course, it is not the first time she ran away Kiki has this habit of running away. Theo takes good care of her, yet still the call for adventure inside of her seems to be louder than her call for a stable and safe environment. So, every now and then she runs away, never did she go this far though, getting lost in the backrooms, doesn`t sound like his Kiki. Usually, she finds her way back pretty fast, because she never really learned how to hunt. The hunger for some fresh tuna always brought her back home.
At the end of the alley he cuts to the back, turning to the right side. The floor tiles begin to change. They twist and turn, the once grey floor tiles become more and more colorful, while the ceiling is moving outwards to reveal a gigantic swimming pool which starts right below his feet. No way around it, he will have to swim. “I knew something like this was gonna happen.” Shaking his head, he puts off his clothes, revealing a body that would remind one more of the body of a Greek god than an actual human, he jumps into the surprisingly extremely cold water. “Oh motherfucker.” He yells as his nipples get hard. “Oh, my fucking god why is this so cold?” This and more profanity leave Theo’s mouth. Long strokes right and left, his feet waddling behind him as something touches his leg. Only for a brief second, but there is only one thing this could mean. “A fucking monster.” Theo begins to swim faster, breathing heavily, he spits out cold water. Another stroke on his leg as a shadow begins to rise next to him. “No, no, no, no, noOOO.” Sharp teeth rising to the surface. The end of the pool seems too far away for him to reach, he swims faster and faster getting more and more exhausted, his arms start to shake. Since his girlfriend left him, he has practically been living in the gym, but swimming was never on his agenda. The monster hits him in the side, setting him off a good of two feet to the left. Swimming as fast as he can now, the exit gets closer and closer. Out of fear he cries heavily and whimpers. Another stroke on his leg, now finally he can reach the border of the pool. The monster opens his mouth, ready to attack it snaps right the second as Theo jumps out of the pool, the monster is right behind him, he can already hear its sharp claws stepping out of the pool. Naked he continues his sprint into the nothingness. “I`ll find you Kiki, don`t worry.” His eyes straight fixed straight ahead. “I promise you Kiki, I will find you.”
To be continued, read you next week bitches.
Lucifer That’s it?
Me That’s it.
Lucifer What about the monster did it get him?
Me We will find that out next week.
Lucifer Will he find Kiki?
Me We will find that out in a couple of weeks.
Lucifer One more question: How high were you while writing this?
Me 0 feet 0, not high at all.
Lucifer Impressive.
Like my writing style? Look at my bookstore.